Maximum voluntary strength analysis of the spine-stabilizing muscles

The spine-stabilizers are measured in all 3 planes from the cervical to the lumbar region by special high-tech-machines. Beside the different strength qualities, possible side-differences between the left and right side are calculated. The collected data is then compared with the values of healthy subjects of the same age, gender, height and weight. With this device it is possible for the first time that one can objectify the muscle status of each patient.

Nearly 100% of back patients, who have been suffering from pain for more than 3 months, have more or less marked weaknesses and dysbalances of the spinal stabilising muscles. This body-own muscle corset is the only influenceable protection factor of our whole spine! Just these muscles allow us to stand, sit or walk without suffering from pain.

The 100% individualized strengthening program shows very effective results not only regarding the intensity of pain, the frequency and duration of future pain episodes per year. But furthermore, the general level of activity and the overall quality of life can be increased significantly. One other very positive finding in the last 19 years of PainCare with about 4000 pain patients having absolved the training therapy: the elderly generation between 60-90 (!) years profits surprisingly as well from the
12-week program with two strengthening units per week. In particular this special patient group highly estimates the safety and the intense care during their therapeutic units.

But also in high performance or professional sportsmen/women with severe back problems we see better results than we expected in the beginning - approximately 3/4 out of this patient group could return back to their particular sport at the same intensity level they trained before.